Written by hcsadmin

CPT Mod 73, 74, & 52

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Facility Outpatient and Ambulatory Surgery Centers CPT Modifiers 73 & 74, Cancelled Procedures and Modifier 52, Reduced Services

This tutorial will instruct the coder in the correct use of modifiers 73, 74, and 52 for facility outpatient and Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASC).

Modifiers 73 and 74 were established to assist hospital outpatient facility reporting associated with the use of resources in the event a surgical or diagnostic procedure is cancelled due to extenuating circumstances or circumstances that threaten the well-being of the patient. 

Modifier 52 is used in the hospital outpatient setting or ASC to indicate partial reduction or discontinuation of radiology procedures and other services that do not require anesthesia.  (1 CEU)